Roomies: All-in-One App for Roommates

Our vision is a one-stop-shop for roommates to easily communicate with each other, coordinate shared purchases, delegate chores, and handle any other difficulty that comes with shared living situations. Chores and other undesirable tasks have been gamified, providing users incentive to do them. Our target audience includes anyone in a shared living situation, especially young people in their 20s and 30s who are mostly likely to coordinate via their smartphones.

My Role: UX Designer (Interview, Low/High fidelity prototype, user testing)

Duration: 4 months

To understand the market for roommates platforms, we conducted a competitive analysis.

Next, I conducted interviews and surveys to gain in-depth insights to the current pain points of living with roommates.

We created our blueprint of the app from our results of survey and interviews.

We built out the wireframe based on the blueprint and tested it.

We developed high fidelity prototype based on our user testing.

Final thoughts on our project for the course Information Architecture.